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5 Sep

How a business should switch energy suppliers


All businesses and organisations are looking to control their costs and with energy bills rising, and looking set to rise more quickly in the years to come, then all businesses should understand how they can switch energy suppliers.

The first point is that this is a very straightforward process and the benefits of reducing energy bills will be felt immediately.

The easiest way to switch energy suppliers for a business is to contact several to see what offers they have to attract you as a customer. It’s also important that speaking with more than one energy supplier will also establish a benchmark for prices and offers that can also be used as a negotiating tactic.

Also, a business that’s on a deemed, or default, tariff should also appreciate that their energy supplier must take reasonable steps to tell them about other contracts that are available and how they can find more information.

Businesses looking to switch their energy supplier

Businesses looking to switch their energy supplier should also take regular meter readings as these will give a fair picture of their consumption over a period of time and help give a potential new energy supplier an idea of what your demands and needs will be.

Before switching suppliers, a business should also ensure that they know the terms and conditions of their current contract they have with their energy supplier such as knowing when the contract ends and how much notice they need to give a supplier before switching.

It should be appreciated that some business energy suppliers will detail within a contract when this can occur.

Any business that is looking into an energy switch

Any business that is looking into an energy switch should also ask the potential new energy supplier to explain their terms and conditions of any deal so the business understands the benefits before signing up to it.

The main reason for doing this is that most business energy supply deals do not incorporate a cooling off period which is the period of time that a contract can be cancelled after it’s been signed.

While it’s tempting to reduce costs by switching business energy suppliers, those looking to switch should also understand that the current supplier can place an objection to the switching to a new supplier only under strict criteria which includes having a debt with the current supplier or that switching would break the terms of a contract.

However, the supplier cannot place an objection to switch suppliers if the business is on a deemed contract and if the contract itself has expired and the business is not bound by its terms.

While there are lots of business energy suppliers offering interesting deals, it also pays to visit specialist comparison websites or speak with the helpful team at D-Energi for more information about how to switch energy suppliers are smoothly as possible and save money too.

Require Assistance?

We take pride in our commitment to providing the most competitive rates for business electricity and gas. If you are seeking guidance on how to effectively reduce your business electricity and gas costs, or require assistance with a business energy switch, please call our dedicated Customer Services team at 0800 781 7626. We assure you that calls will be answered promptly within five rings or less!

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