D-ENERGi is a real alternative to the big six energy suppliers.
Incorporated in 2002 we have become one of the longest established and well respected UK independent businesses energy suppliers.
Can You Save With Half Hourly Electricity Prices
While it may not be at the top of every business owner’s to-do list, it is possible to save with half hourly electricity prices.
For those firms with a high energy demand, they have probably been moved to half hourly meters which enables a supplier to take more accurate readings of their energy use.
They do this because the meter will send usage data every 30 minutes so there’s no longer a need for estimated bills. All bills will be accurate.
However, it is also possible to utilise the information of your energy use which is being sent to a supplier by using specialist software to see where savings can be made but this information is really of more use to a potential new electricity supplier.
Half hourly electricity suppliers
That’s because all half hourly electricity suppliers can look at the data provided by a firm’s meters to see where the peak periods of usage are and tailor their offering to meet this need.
It’s important that all firms check every year that they are not paying more than they need to for their electricity needs and the best prompt for doing this is when your current provider gets in touch with your next year’s details.
Another important reason why all firms should shop around for new half hourly electricity providers every year is to help stimulate competition in the marketplace for providers to attract you as a new business. This will benefit all firms from HH meters as a result.
Switch to half hourly electricity meters
There’s no doubt that the switch to half hourly electricity meters has had an impact on the market and help drive down costs.
This means that firms and organisations can boost profitability and they could save even more by switching to cheaper tariffs.
If you are unsure whether your firm has been moved across to a half hourly meter then you need to look at your recent energy bill and notice whether the ‘S number’, which is in a small box, reads 00 which will indicate you are on a half-hour meter.
Your bill also has the vital information needed for switching to a new business electricity provider so everything is to hand when a potential new supplier needs answers to their questions; it helps too that the half hourly meter is also used to tell a supplier the exact address of your firm for supply.
If you would like to know more about how to save with a half hourly electricity prices, then you need to speak with the expert team at D-Energi.
Require Assistance?
We take pride in our commitment to providing the most competitive rates for business electricity and gas. If you are seeking guidance on how to effectively reduce your business electricity and gas costs, or require assistance with a business energy switch, please call our dedicated Customer Services team at 0800 781 7626. We assure you that calls will be answered promptly within five rings or less!
Click here for a Free Quote of business electricity and gas, our dedicated Account Manager will be assigned to provide bespoke business energy prices with excellent customer service.