We have received a number of reports that D-ENERGi’s name is being misused to fraudulently solicit information from our customers. Our Customer Services team is UK based who are committed to safeguarding your data. Rest assured that we ensure our customers’ information is password protected and would never call a customer and pressure them to sign today. If you have been targeted by a scam or any concerns, please call us or alternatively contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
D-ENERGi is a real alternative to the big six energy suppliers.
Incorporated in 2002 we have become one of the longest established and well respected UK independent businesses energy suppliers.
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D-ENERGi offer all staff free breakfast
2 Feb
D-ENERGi offer all staff free breakfast
Posted on Feb 2, 2016
D-ENERGi from now on offer free fruit and cereals to help support all its staff healthy eating habbits. This provision is for all staff and has been well recieved. As an investors in people organisation D-ENERGi is commiteed to providing creating a modern caring, productive working enviroment.
Require Assistance?
We take pride in our commitment to providing the most competitive rates for business electricity and gas. If you are seeking guidance on how to effectively reduce your business electricity and gas costs, or require assistance with a business energy switch, please call our dedicated Customer Services team at 0800 781 7626. We assure you that calls will be answered promptly within five rings or less!
Click here for a Free Quote of business electricity and gas, our dedicated Account Manager will be assigned to provide bespoke business energy prices with excellent customer service.
The energy industry is making key changes to the way gas is transported. All suppliers have to split aggregated meter points by 1st July 2015. Aggregated gas meters are created when two or more meter points are joined together to form one supply point. They are billed and priced together.
The de-aggregation process will help support the introduction of advanced and smart metering between late 2015 and 2020 which will allow more accurate usage data to be recorded. The industry believe that this will lead to more cost-reflective transportations charges for all meter points and therefore for all customers.
How will this affect Gas Customers?
Only customers with aggregated meter points will be affected by this.
This change will not affect your gas supply but it will change how you are billed. Instead of being charged per site you will charge by meter point. There could be an increase in transportation costs after the supply points have been split.
Once these changes are complete, we will be contacting those customers who require a smart meter at no extra cost to you. You will also be given the option of accessing a web portal which will allow you to view your consumption and keep an eye on costs.
Why does this need to happen?
The current system is outdated and this is an industry-wide gas initiative which all Shippers & Suppliers have been mandated to adopt, so there will be no way to avoid the change if you have gas meters that are aggregated.
It is important for all customers currently who have aggregated meters to plan ahead for de-aggregation of these supply points and understand the future billing impacts. We will be informing you as soon as possible of any changes to your contracted rates and monthly amount and we will be working to keep your invoices simple to understand for all of your sites
Removing aggregation will allow accurate data on all UK gas meters to be held in a single database, an important step in the overall goal of moving all UK gas customers onto Smart meters by 2020.
Find out more
Call 0161 237 3333 or email customerservices@d-energi.com
Tip 1:
If you intend to get an automated wood heating system to replace a your existing boiler and heating system, forget using a log boiler or a woodstove. These won’t be for you. If you don’t object to a little daily loading up with logs and de-ashing, and if your lifestyle permits you to regularly tend to such tasks, then this is a good option for you.
Tip 2:
If you are lucky enough to have your own healthy supply of logs and you fit the criteria of Tip 1, a log boiler can be a really worthwhile investment with return rates of between 12-20% IRR.
Tip 3:
An important biomass tip is to always begin with the fuel when looking at getting a wood heating boiler. A key first step is to decide whether you want to use logs, wood pellets, or wood chips. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Pellets are the most convenient and compact of the three, and they are still made and delivered in a carbon-friendly way. They are, however, more expensive than the other two options. Also consider whether you can get your fuel delivered simply and economically. If the only way to get fuel into a storage silo is via a chipper (£35,000 or £250 per day), manually, or via a pallet truck and builder bags, prices can bump up significantly and become quite considerable.
Tip 4:
Make sure to get advice on wood fuel handling, choice, and design from an independent and experienced person. Around half of wood heating system issues arise because a mistake has been made in relation to the fuel used.
Tip 5:
Almost all wood boiler systems will operate better if they are linked to an accumulator tank. This aids to balance out the peaks and troughs of demand and to provide a little more gusto during the peak loads.