D-ENERGi is a real alternative to the big six energy suppliers.

Incorporated in 2002 we have become one of the longest established and well respected UK independent businesses energy suppliers.


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13 Mar

How to Compare Cheap Business Energy Prices


For any organisation wanting to source cheap business energy prices, the market for them may appear to be confusing and time consuming to understand.

That’s because there’s a growing number of business energy suppliers offering a variety of deals and tariffs which means careful research will need to be undertaken.

However, there are ways to save time and money spent searching for better prices for energy and understanding the potential contracts.

That’s to contact experts who deal with the market on a daily basis which will mean contacting D-Energi.

There’s no doubt, however, that it will also pay for the organisation to understand the market for business electricity and gas so they will appreciate a good deal for energy when they see it.

Indeed, with the vast majority of businesses in the UK having to rely on electricity for their everyday needs means it’s important that they find the best electricity prices available to help keep their overheads under control.

Finding a better business energy deal

Energy market experts have been predicting that the prices being paid by businesses will begin to rise and many organisations may also believe that this trend will mean finding a better business energy deal than they currently have will become an almost impossible task.

That would be a mistake to make and it could be a costly one as well.

That is because having the knowledge beforehand and understanding that if they haven’t switched business energy suppliers in recent years probably means they are on a ‘deemed contract’ and are paying more than they need to for their energy needs.

By switching to a new supplier, they could potentially save thousands of pounds every year depending on their bills.

The other important issue for the organisation to understand is that the business energy market is not like the one for the domestic market; they will need to contact a supplier for their gas and electricity individually and get a quote.

One reason for this is that an energy supplier will be looking to meet a customer’s energy needs and will look at their consumption habits to deliver a bespoke business electricity quote.

Cheap business electricity quotes

These cheap business electricity quotes will deliver flexibility and help meet the consumption habits which will vary through the working day so the business will not be paying more than they need to for electricity, for instance.

One of the downsides for this is that there is no established business electricity tariff for an organisation to compare their deal with since most businesses are unlike any other.

Firstly, the organisation should find their current tariff and then begin their search for a new supplier.

They will need to understand that a fixed rate tariff is a pre-agreed price for units that will last for the contract’s term.

Fixed-rate tariffs are usually competitive but is always worthwhile comparing one offer with another supplier’s offering.

As mentioned previously, for those organisations on a deemed rate tariff are probably at a disadvantage because a 28-day rolling contract means they have failed to agree new terms with their supplier so they are probably paying over the odds on this basis.

Organisations may be on a rolling contract

However, some organisations may be on a rolling contract and while these are not competitive and only offered by a few suppliers, they are offering fairer rates than on a deemed contract.

The downside is the organisation may be tied into a year-long contract on rates that are higher than the competition is offering.

The organisation will also need to pay a unit cost as well as a standing charge which covers the maintenance of the National Grid and the cost of delivering electricity to a business premises.

Again, there’s no set tariff for this and to complicate matters the rates being charged will vary between micro and small businesses as well as medium and large businesses.

This is a quick checklist to help an organisation decide whether the business electricity quote they receive is suitable:

  • Get business electricity quotes from several suppliers
  • Choose which of their tariffs best suit the business
  • Decide which is the best new supplier and sign their contract
  • inform the current energy supplier of your intention to switch
  • The process is seamless for switching over so simply wait for the new supplier to take effect.


However, there’s just one word of caution when looking for the best electricity quotes and that’s not simply choose the cheapest quote on offer.

One reason for this is that while the business will inevitably save money and lower their overheads they may switch to a supplier that does not meet their needs effectively and some suppliers offer more than others.

Organisations looking for a cheap business gas energy deal

For those organisations looking for a cheap business gas energy deal, then the tips contained above will prove useful.

Not every firm has a gas supply but for those who do then it will be worthwhile shopping around for a better and cheaper energy deal.

Again, this means approaching several gas suppliers and asking for a quote and they, in turn, will look at the business’s circumstances and assess what their habits are and then deliver a bespoke quote based on this.

It’s also probable that with every business being different, means there will be no way to navigate a business gas tariff effectively to see whether they are on a tariff that best suits their needs.

Again, there are fixed term contracts and rollover contracts available from business gas energy suppliers and for those who haven’t switched gas supplier then they are probably on a deemed contract where their rates will be, unfortunately, much higher than are on offer to new customers.

Business gas suppliers also have a standing charge

As with electricity suppliers, business gas suppliers also have a standing charge to pay and their unit cost will be for each unit of gas supplied to the business.

For firms looking to switch energy suppliers, the information here details what they need to know and why the easiest and most effective way of finding cheap business energy deals and tariffs is to use the expertise of the D-Energi team to find the best terms available that best meet the organisation’s needs.  

Require Assistance?

We take pride in our commitment to providing the most competitive rates for business electricity and gas. If you are seeking guidance on how to effectively reduce your business electricity and gas costs, or require assistance with a business energy switch, please call our dedicated Customer Services team at 0800 781 7626. We assure you that calls will be answered promptly within five rings or less!

Or you can enter your queries by clicking the button located at the lower right corner during business hours.

Click here for a Free Quote of business electricity and gas, our dedicated Account Manager will be assigned to provide bespoke business energy prices with excellent customer service.

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