13 Oct
New Business Guide To Setting Up Utilities
Posted on Oct 13, 2022
Setting up your utilities is an important step in the early stages of your business. By doing this early on, you will be able to conduct forecasting, allowing you to budget for the forthcoming year. If you have never owned or run your own business before, you may be slightly unsure as to how setting up business utilities will differ from your own personal utilities. In this guide we explain everything you need to know, so you can get started making money and growing your business.
Identify your necessary utilities
The first step in the process is quite simple, but will help you to prioritise which utilities you should be setting up first. For example, water, gas, and electricity, will be three of the most essential utilities you will need to set up before you can start running your business. Broadband and telephone connections will also be required to help get you connected to your customers or clients.
Choosing a business utilities supplier
Once you have identified your essential business utilities, now it is time to find suitable suppliers for each. There are some key things to bear in mind when finding the right utilities supplier for your business, these include:
- Your budget
- Your projected usage
- What payment options are available and which would suit you best
- Check contract lengths
How to pay the best rates for your business utilities
Some of the most common ways to find the cheapest rates for your business is to use price comparison sites or to access the information of a broker. Although, the point should be raised, those who opt to go through these third-party services must be cautious. Read all the information provided before agreeing to sign any contract and be sure you understand what you are signing up for.
With energy rates currently at an all time high, it may be useful to refer to information provided by Ofgem who is the government regulator for the electricity in Great Britain.
For water in the UK you will have to pay for any water that your business uses and the liquid waste produced from your premises. Ofwat is the regulator for the water sector in England and Wales.
D-ENERGi Business Energy
At D-Energi, we make it simple for businesses from a range of sectors to access competitive prices and rates for business energy in the UK. Our services include business electricity, business gas, business water, half hourly electricity and more. To get quotes for your new business, contact our friendly team today.
D-ENERGi have started to roll out smart meters to its valuable portfolio of customers. By the end of 2020, around 50 million smart meters will be fitted in over 26 million households across Wales, Scotland and England. This is the biggest national infrastructure project of our lifetimes. D-ENERGi are planning to switch all of its customers to smart metering by end of September 2015. This is a whopping 5 years ahead of any of the big six are expected to complete their national rollout of smart meters.
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Fossil fuels as we most commonly know them are coal, oil and natural gas. Oil and natural gas are namely known for being located in underground reservoirs but they can also be found in other locations such as shale gas and tar sands. Previously these were considered to be too costly to excavate and make them commercially viable, it is only thanks to the advancements made over the last ten years in drilling technology that these can now be accessed and sold at a profit.
As with many countries Britain is a source of shale gas but this is an as yet untapped resource and yet one that is understandably becoming more and more appealing to businesses and the government. The North Sea oil rig is one of the main contributors to the British Economy and quite often the economy rises and falls with the output of these oil fields; the economy shrank by 0.3% in the final quarter of 2012 because of declining gas and oil output.
“Shale gas could be a new North Sea for Britain, creating tens of thousands of jobs, supporting our manufacturers and reducing gas imports.”
The above statement was made by Corin Taylor, Senior Economic Adviser and author of a new report from the IoD regarding the potential impact of frakking for shale gas on the British economy. Such statements will undoubtedly incite excitement in a government that is looking for an immediate solution to their fiscal woes.
The report cited government figures that estimate 76% of the UK’s gas would be imported by 2030 the cost of which would be around £15.6bn. per year. However, according to this report, if shale gas were to be aggressively pursued gas imports would be reduced to around 37% by 2030 at a total cost of around £7.5bn. per year.
The above figures are clearly an encouraging incentive and shale gas has been somewhat of a revolutionary natural resource in countries that have found themselves with an abundance of it. The two most hotly discussed examples can be found in Northern America. The USA is hoping to be nearly entirely self sufficient regarding energy thanks to their vast reserves of shale gas and Canada is looking for a major boom to it’s economy thanks to their recently discovered tar sands, also known as oil sands. However, what on the surface appears to be the answer to all our looming fears over the future of global energy production could potentially force climate change into an irreversible state.
The process by which shale gas is extracted is called ‘frakking’ and involves drilling a well to the depth at which the shale rock sits and then blasting the rock with water and chemicals. As the water and chemicals produce fissures in the rock natural gas is released and can subsequently be siphoned off and used as energy. One of the most commonly cited issues with frakking is that the chemicals used in the process can contaminate local water suppliers as only 50-70% of surplus water is recovered. However, these figures are regularly disputed and though there are examples of this, such as in Pennsylvania as outlined in this study, they appear to be isolated incidents and are yet to be corroborated by other communities located near frakking sites.
There are obvious benefits to excavating the shale gas resources, the economic boost alone is incredibly appealing, but surely this can only be seen as a desperate attempt to hold onto a system that will ultimately fail us. These resources can only ever be finite, and whilst they are available to be used their use will ultimately push climate change to such a degree that there is no stopping it and certainly no returning from it. We should see the dwindling supply of fossil fuels as a reason to pursue something new, to invest in renewable energy solutions that could potentially reverse the devastating impact that carbon emissions have had.
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