D-ENERGi is a real alternative to the big six energy suppliers.

Incorporated in 2002 we have become one of the longest established and well respected UK independent businesses energy suppliers.


16 Nov

The Most Common Uses Of Business Electricity


Everybody uses electricity on a daily basis, and reports show that this usage is on the rise – especially when it comes to commercial businesses – which is why we have also seen the demand for cheap business electricity rise.

This year the UK Government published a report entitled “Energy Consumption in the UK” which stated that:

“There has been a shift in the share of consumption by the three key sectors: in 1970 public administration accounted for 47% of services in consumption and the commercial sector 43%. By 2017, public administration consumer 26% and commercial’s share had risen to 67%. Agriculture’s share decreased between 1970 and 2017 from 10% to 7.2%.”

What are the top uses of electricity in business?
Business electricity usage comes from a variety of sources, with the main sources being:

• Air conditioning units

• Computers, laptops and printers

• Fridges and dishwashers

• Heating equipment

• Lighting

• Telephones, routers and modems

• TVs

This is why it is key to keep on top of your business electricity usage and understand what is contributing to your energy cost in order to ensure you are accessing the cheap business energy you need.

What is the average electricity use per year for businesses?

Obviously, every business is different, but as a guide, the figures for electricity usage per size of business are generally believed to be:

Micro – 7500 (Annual Usage (kWh)) 14.4p to 15.9p (Unit Price (kWh))

Small – 20000 (Annual Usage (kWh)) 14.3p to 15.1p (Unit Price (kWh))

Medium – 35000 (Annual Usage (kWh)) 14.3p to 14.7p (Unit Price (kWh))

The cost of electricity will depend on a variety of different factors, including:

• Location

• How much electricity you consume?

• Length of contract

• Tariff you are on

How can you reduce the amount of electricity your business uses?

There are lots of different ways you can try and reduce the amount of electricity your business uses – apart from the obvious way of checking you are on the right tariff for your business usage.

• Switch business energy supplier to one who can beat your current costs.

• Replace light bulbs with energy-saving ones and switch them off when not in use.

• Never leave electrical equipment on standby mode and ensure it is switched off at the end of each day.

• Use inkjet printers rather than laser ones, as they use less energy.

• Draft proof your windows and doors to keep your workplace at a stable temperature.

The easiest way to save money on your business energy bills and access cheap electricity and cheap business gas is to contact the experienced team at D-ENERGi.

Require Assistance?

We take pride in our commitment to providing the most competitive rates for business electricity and gas. If you are seeking guidance on how to effectively reduce your business electricity and gas costs, or require assistance with a business energy switch, please call our dedicated Customer Services team at 0800 781 7626. We assure you that calls will be answered promptly within five rings or less!

Click here for a Free Quote of business electricity and gas, our dedicated Account Manager will be assigned to provide bespoke business energy prices with excellent customer service.

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