24 Mar
Who is the Energy Champion in Your Business
Posted on Mar 24, 2016
Making one of your employees an energy champion can be a very effective way of controlling energy costs and the Carbon Trust has published a number of tips for how to make the best of such a role.
They include:
- Reporting energy waste they notice, such as equipment left on unnecessarily.
- Ensuring equipment and machinery are well-maintained and working efficiently.
- Contributing and gathering ideas for improving the way things are done.
- Testing and implementing new processes.
- Communicating good practice and being an ambassador for change.
It’s also vital that your energy champion has the visible support of top management and all the necessary resources they need to be effective.
According to the Carbon Trust approach, the energy champion should:
- Be the eyes and ears for energy wastage.
- Be responsible for reading meters and checking fuel bills.
- Develop a weekly or monthly checklist of duties.
- Consider forming an action team to report on progress and encourage further action.
A good way of identifying waste initially is to stage an energy walkabout. Because your energy usage patterns will vary throughout the day, the walkabout times should be varied to match, for example, when the cleaners are in, at lunch, and at night or over weekends.
From these walks, your energy champion can identify where energy is being wasted and the possible reasons. Is it a lack understanding, are procedures being overlooked, is repair or necessary to reduce energy costs, or there is a need for capital investment, for example?
Finding Cheap Business Electricity
Finding cheap business electricity can be challenging when every supplier offers such competitive rates. This is why you should make the effort to shop around and receive as many quotes you possibly can. Although this may be a chore, it is regarding one of the main factors within your business – money.
Ofgem Recommendations
The leading regulatory body, Ofgem recommend that you shop around for electricity rates, at least every three years to ensure you are being delivered the best tariff for your business electricity needs. When we say shop around, we mean the whole market. Do your research, look into energy suppliers that you may never have heard of previously, try to look further into suppliers that don’t fall under The Big Six.
We are only a phone call away…
If you are looking to seek consultancy with regards to your electricity, D-ENERGi can review your electricity and advise you on what is best for you and your business when it comes to electricity. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0800 871 7626 to speak with one of our experienced Account Managers in house to help you understand your own electricity as appose to developing knowledge in generic electricity rates. Every businesses electricity needs are highly unique and you should not feel as though there is only one route you can take.
Hidden costs in electricity
Something that isn’t outlined from every supplier is the fact that there are several other charges that relate to electricity supply. We like you to be involved and we want you to have a 100% understanding on just where your electricity budget money is heading.
Some electricity quotes can be referred to as a mine field quote which can be presented in many different manners and can prove to show hidden costs. We are able to give you a cost analysis penny-to-penny of what and where you are spending your money on your business electricity.
P272 is a new regulation given by Ofgem which affects around 167,000 businesses. P272 is mandatory and affects the way all electricity suppliers settle electricity consumption for businesses within a specified energy use. This will result in sites being migrated from non-half hourly meters (NHH) to half hourly meters (HH), and enable suppliers to produce more accurate bills.
More information and an infographic regarding P272 can be found here. If you would like to read our blog on P272 this can also be found here.
Get competitive rates today with a free quote
If you wish to seek electricity or any energy consultancy we are here until 5.00pm everyday ready to answer any questions you may have. Please call 0800 781 7626 for further information.
You can receive a free, no obligation quote here and start to compare electricity rates today!
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Lets face it! Shopping around and finding a competitive business’s electricity quote is not the most exciting subject in the world. However business electricity remains a constant high operational cost for many business’s and enterprises throughout the country. As a small energy supplier based in Manchester we know the industry inside and out. We have been helping business’s reduce their energy bills well over 15 years. Here we will try to share and pass on some inside industry knowledge, to help you find the very best possible deals on business electricity.
Fact 1 Understand when your current business energy tariff ends and more importantly it’s notice period.
Before you look for a business electricity quote, you need to know your current end date for your business electricity contract. You need to know this date before you even consider shopping around. It is a legal requirement these days for your contract end date to appear on your business electricity bills. Check your invoices for this date. Read the terms and conditions of your supplier and ensure you hand in notice pursuant to those terms. Differing energy suppliers will have varied notice periods ranging from 120,90,60 days. If you don’t hand in notice to your supplier accordingly, they may automatically renew your agreement.
Fact 2 Know your business energy rates in pence per kwh and standing charges.
So you know when your contract ends. Excellent. Now you need to understand its charges. Depending on your usage and the type of business you are. You need to look for the cheapest unit rate pence per kWh, and standing charges. Which generally make up the largest amount on your business electricity bill. Know what you’re paying pence per kWh and the amount of standing charge you are paying. Standing charge is a fixed amount you pay per day or month, similar to the charges of BT line rental. Some energy suppliers will have no standing charge and have a higher rate on pence per kWh. Having no standing charge may sound appealing but make sure you do the maths. No standing charge tariffs generally have higher pence per kWh rates to compensate, making this a no go for higher users of electricity.
Fact 3 Make sure your credit is of good standing.
All business electricity suppliers will credit check these days. In order to get lowest price on your business electricity quote, your business credit has also got to be good. Knowing your business credit rating in advance can help you avoid any unexpected surprises.
Business electricity quote from D-ENERGi
We hope you will find these insider tips useful. As a small energy supplier based in Manchester for over 15 years we can offer you the cheapest business electricity quote with a warm personalised service, which is unique from our competitors. We offer a price match policy and more often than not we are always in the top 5 for best prices on business electricity quotes. Get My Free Energy Quote Today or call for free on 0808 159 2721 if you prefer to chat. We have a loyal and growing portfolio of customers who love us, to learn more on us and our customer reviews view our Meet Our Customers page to see what makes D-ENERGi such a good alternative to the big six energy suppliers.
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