Are you ready to switch water with D-ENERGI?



years of experience
23 years of experience
23 years of experience

Business Water

Since April 1st 2017 the business water market in England has become deregulated. As with your energy,  you are now free to choose a supplier of your choice, which means you could save up to 20% off your water bills.


The opening up of the water market in England is one of the biggest shake ups in the utility industry for years. Back in 2008, Scotland became the first country in the world to deregulate its water market, granting non-domestic property owners the choice to switch water supplies and their waste water services and many businesses in Scotland since have changed supplier, and it is now estimated that companies in Scotland can  save between 15% and 20% just by switching. Water deregulation in the UK is about removing barriers to competition and opening up the water retail market for non-domestic customers. This means that organisations in both England and Scotland will be able to shop around and choose their water supplier – you will no longer be tied to your local supplier whether or not you choose switch. For organisations in Wales and Northern Ireland there are currently no plans to follow England and Scotland into full deregulation of the business water market.


0800 781 7626

Why Switch to D-ENERGi for Business Water?

 If you’re an organisation in England or Scotland, why should you be interested in water deregulation? At D-ENERGI we think that there are lots of opportunities for businesses of all sizes.

Here are the 4 top reasons to switch to D-ENERGi for business water!

negotiate better deals

1. Freedom to negotiate
better deals

Better customer service

 2. Better customer service

Multi-Service discounts

3.  Multi-Service
discounts with our
existing gas &
electricity services

multiple locations

4. One supplier for multiple locations



  • What is SPID? SPID stands for Supply Point Identification. The SPID will be used by your new retailer to switch your retail services.

    Your SPID can be found on your latest water bill. It will be 13 digits long. You may have separate SPIDs for your water and your wastewater.

    Although it is helpful to provide the SPID to a retailer, you do not need to know your SPID number(s) if you want to switch retailer.

award-iconAwards & Accreditations

cyber essentials certified UKBA


Investors in People Gold  energy awards  award  energy awards
national business awards UK    UKBA uk business awards    DENERGI-GBEA17

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