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12 Jun

Energy Consultancy for Business Explained

All firms and organisations should be looking to reduce their overheads on a regular basis and an energy consultancy may well help save cash for those interested organisations. That’s because the energy consultants will know and understand the energy supply market and help the business find the best deals and tariffs that meet their needs. On top of this, the energy consultancy will also undertake an energy audit to ensure that the savings being made are permanent and long-term. For instance, the consultants may highlight areas where the firm can save large amounts of money by making simple changes to their everyday activities; this may mean switching off unused office lights, turning down the heating and even switching off computers and screens at night. One reason a firm may be looking to bring in the experts is that they believe their energy bills may be too high but they may not understand how to lower them effectively. A basic energy services audit Industry experts say that even a basic energy services audit should see a firm’s energy bills being reduced by 10% at the very least while many firms may also enjoy savings of around 25%. This may mean introducing energy efficiencies and upgrading various pieces of equipment but that is still a huge saving. That’s on top of the energy audit locating better deals and tariffs which mean the overall savings can be quite substantial. The energy experts will also be able to help decipher the firm’s energy bills to ensure they are on the best deal currently, if not, highlight where potential savings can be made. It may appear to be a strange way to invest in lower energy bills by paying experts to find a cheaper deal or tariff and better ways of using energy but it does work. Expert should be able to deliver energy savings However, the expert should be able to deliver energy savings that far outweigh their own costs. Whether the audit is for retail premises, agricultural farms or a factory; an energy consultancy will pay dividends. The bottom line is that all firms and organisations can become more energy-efficient which is not only good for our environment but also good for the firm’s overheads with lower running costs. The energy audit may also be beneficial for keeping costs down in a factory with heavy usage of energy in the manufacturing process.   For more help and information about energy consultancy and the impact of having an energy audit undertaken, then speak with the experts at D-Energi.
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9 Jun

Enjoy Lower Bills with Cheap Business Gas and Electric

Despite the potential savings, the option of searching for lower bills with cheap business gas and electric suppliers means many firms are too busy in their day-to-day activities to undertake this task. They won’t be alone since the government says around 40% of firms have never switched their energy supplier and probably pay more than they need to for their energy use. Indeed, the government has encouraged greater competition in the energy supply market so that firms can access lower bills and better levels of customer service. For those firms who have never switched, they are probably on a ‘deemed’ contract and the tariff they are on is probably more than they will be paying with a new energy supplier. Other firms who believe that the switchover process is complicated and time-consuming, should be reassured that this is not the case and it’s a seamless process with uninterrupted supply to their premises. Finding a cheap business gas supplier Indeed, finding a cheap business gas supplier is relatively straightforward and can be done by either contacting gas suppliers directly or using one of the many online price comparison websites. Just a word of caution though, these comparison websites may not be searching the entire market and they may not offer all of the current deals. This will be highlighted when the firm finds a deal they like and contacts the supplier directly to find that the deal may not be the same one offered. That’s because the energy market for firms is rather different to the domestic one and the supplier must offer a bespoke deal to help meet the firm’s needs. The same advice also applies those looking for a cheap business electricity supplier and many potential firms wanting to lower their bills may find the prospect of switching too complicated and time-consuming. Looking for a new commercial gas or electricity supplier For those firms who are looking for a new commercial gas or electricity supplier could save time and effort by simply utilising the expertise of experts in the field who will understand how the market works and have access to the latest deals and tariffs. In addition, these experts will also take care of the switchover process so there’s no interrupted supply to the firm. One of the best in this field is D-Energi and they have a team available to speak with who will explain how the market works and what steps need to be taken. More importantly, they will probably be able to offer a better deal within a few minutes that the firm is currently enjoying.   So, for any firm or organisation looking to source cheap business gas and electric bills then speak with the team at D-Energi today to find out more.
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7 Jun

Finding the Best Commercial Energy Prices

Every firm and organisation in the UK will be looking at their overheads on a regular basis and it makes sense that they should be looking to find the best commercial energy prices to help the lower running costs. The first step is to undertake a search of the potential deals and tariffs by visiting energy suppliers’ websites and also online price comparison websites. While this is a time-consuming process it will help the firm understand how the energy market works and what the current prices are. For those firms who’ve never switched suppliers then they have probably been rolled over onto a deemed contract so they will be paying more than they need to for their energy needs. This means that by simply switching energy suppliers they could substantially reduce their energy bills. Finding a commercial energy quote Finding a commercial energy quote is a straightforward process and the online comparison websites will give a fair indication of what the market rates are. However, the prices being displayed are unlikely to be the price the firm or organisation enjoys since the energy deal will need to be a bespoke offering and all comparison websites will do this. In addition, the firm also needs to be wary about using online comparison websites because they may not be searching the entire market to find the best commercial energy quote or indeed all of the potential suppliers. In addition to the ‘big six’ suppliers, the commercial energy market has grown in recent years and there is a wide variety of offerings now available stretching from small suppliers to those who offer firms 100% renewable energy supply. Quote for commercial energy prices So, once the firm has a quote for commercial energy prices from a potential supplier, the switchover process is straightforward and there will be no interruption to energy supply to the premises. However, the second and easiest way of finding a better energy deal for a firm or organisation is to speak with experts in the field who will know what the latest deals are to deliver a supplier who will best meet the organisation’s needs. This will mean speaking with the team at D-Energi about what a firm is looking for and they will strive to meet their ambition in lowering bills and seeing an improvement in, for instance, things like customer service and other potential offerings. Among these will be the option of an energy audit from a potential new energy supplier so that the firm not only enjoys lower bills but also takes steps to lower their energy consumption so that their savings are greater and have more of an impact over the long-term.   For those firms and organisations that are interested in finding the best commercial energy prices without having to spend hours visiting websites and comparison sites, then speak with the helpful team at D-Energi for more information.
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2 Jun

Understanding P272 and Switching Commercial Energy Suppliers

All firms that are looking to switch their commercial energy supplier should appreciate what the P272 legislation means. To do so, they will need to check their bills or meters to see whether it is in the profile classes 05 to 08 because their energy use will be recorded every half-hour. The new meters are also known as HH metres. The profile class is designated on the meter itself and it is the first two digit numbers following the ‘S’. If the meter is not between 05 and 08 then it will not need to comply with the new rules. Industry regulator Ofgem says the changes from April this year are down to a modification to the industry’s balancing and settlement code, also known as P272. For all those firms who have a meter in the relevant profile class, then since November 2015 anyone who has started or renewed their energy supply contract will have their use recorded half hourly. Have an advanced meter installed For those firms who are big users of energy and do not have an advanced meter installed then they should contact their supplier who will then take reasonable steps to ensure the meter supplied. One of the big attractions for installing the P272 meter is that most businesses will see their bills fall as a result. At the very least, they should see no change in expenditure. Ofgem says that some firms may be required to pay more since their supplier will need to allocate more resources and time for collecting and processing the firm’s usage. For those firms who have HH metres and are looking to switch commercial energy suppliers to bring about lower bills, then they need to be aware that the deals vary between suppliers. This means it is crucial that they shop around potential energy suppliers to secure the best deal possible. What energy savings can be made After speaking with their current supplier to see if they can make a better offer, they can then use these figures to speak with other potential suppliers to see what energy savings can be made. It’s also possible to switch tariffs so the firm will be paying less for electricity used during off-peak hours.   Alternatively, businesses can also speak with the experts at D-Energi about P272 or HH  metres to see how the data collated can be used to their benefit in finding a cheaper energy supplier so they can enjoy lower energy bills.
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