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14 Apr

Enjoy Cheap Business Energy and Boost Profits

It’s a simple fact but true, firms could enjoy cheap business energy deals and boost profits as a result. On top of this, they could undertake a business energy audit that could see them reducing consumption. By using less energy, coupled with low energy bills, could have a startling impact on the firm’s profitability. For instance, the Carbon Trust says that a firm reducing their energy costs by 20% could see a bottom line boost that is equal to a 5% increase in sales. Despite this, not every firm is interested in energy efficiencies but a new business energy supplier may want to undertake an energy audit and point out where savings can be made. The Carbon Trust points to everyday energy saving features including switching off PCs and monitors at night and at weekends which could reduce energy consumption substantially. Switching off lights is also a big saving Switching off lights is also a big saving and lowering the temperature – the business is paying around 8% more for every 1° C their offices are overheated. Poorly maintained boilers can also cost around 30% of the firm’s heating bill. These are simple measures that every business and organisation could undertake in order to reduce their bills and an energy audit will reveal more. However, there’s no doubt that by finding a cheaper business energy deal, the firm will save substantial amounts of money. The amounts to be saved will range by the size of business and their energy needs but a one-man band can, for instance, save hundreds of pounds every year, while a firm with several sites could save tens of thousands. Access cheap business electricity tariffs For those firms who’ve never switched before, then the process of understanding the market to access cheap business electricity tariffs can be confusing as well as time-consuming. There is help at hand and firms could use a price comparison website to find which firms are offering better deals. This is when understanding the business energy bill will be crucial and one survey revealed that 23% of firms do not check their bill’s accuracy because of time constraints. More worryingly, 23% of the survey’s respondents said they trusted the bill to be accurate. But firms are now using half-hourly meters so their bills will be more accurate but it still pays to double check to ensure the firm isn’t paying more than they need to for their energy needs. In addition to using a price comparison website, a firm may be tempted to look at the unit charges but they should also consider the other costs as well. This will include the standing charge from the energy supplier and these will vary between suppliers so what appears to be a cheap price per unit of energy becomes a very different situation when this standing charge is considered. Also, the price comparison website will not give an indication of how dedicated the supplier will be to helping their customers reduce energy consumption or even how good their customer services are. Firms will be looking for cheap business gas deals Most firms will be looking for cheap business gas deals and value for money electricity tariffs and by working with their supplier will help them bring in useful energy efficiencies that will lead to a fruitful relationship. There’s also an issue of which type of contract to choose, while many will have fixed rates, some suppliers will offer a flexible contract. One of the attractions for a fixed rate contract is some suppliers will offer them for up to five years. Many firms will find this prospect attractive since they will enjoy price security over the long-term for their energy costs and this will help them to fix their budgets with some certainty. Find lower prices and better energy suppliers However, it’s down to the business to make the effort to find lower prices and better energy suppliers. The business will also need to understand how their bill is put together and whether they are allowed to switch suppliers so will need to understand when their current contract comes to an end. While many business owners will be too time poor to undertake this sort of analysis and understand what their energy needs are, this will be time well spent in the long term. Accessing better energy deals will bring about efficiencies that benefit everyone as well as the business, particularly those looking to boost their environmental credentials.   For those organisations that are looking to enjoy cheap business energy deals to help boost profits, the team at D-Energi will be able to find within minutes a deal that will impress and then help with the switchover process for a seamless transition between suppliers.
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12 Apr

Firms Can Switch Energy Suppliers and Save

As a business owner, did you know you could switch energy suppliers and save money on your overheads? For most firms who do switch, the answer is, undoubtedly, yes as they go on to make big savings. Sadly, not all of them will switch their energy supplier and many will remain with their current supplier regardless of the extra costs and lack of customer service. The government is keen to encourage competition in the business energy supply marketplace and the switchover process is easy to undertake. Also, some firms may be worried that there will be a loss of energy supply during the switchover process but this will not happen. So, for a firm looking for a cheaper and better energy supplier, it’s time to look at their contract. Negotiating to energy switch with another supplier This will tell them when their fixed term contract will come to an end which means they can begin negotiating to energy switch with another supplier to save money and boost profitability. The number of firms they can speak with has grown hugely in recent years thanks to growing competition. Indeed, it is this competition in the marketplace that is helping to bring prices down for most firms to enjoy. Firm should also appreciate that while many of the suppliers will be an unknown quantity to them, they are all professional and will be offering better customer service than some of the better-known household names. Some firms may be able to enjoy a flexible contract for their energy supply and can switch to a new supplier whenever they want to. Most firms, however, will only be able to switch during a window of opportunity and if there is an outstanding bill to be paid, their current supplier may lodge an objection to the switch. That’s understandable since they will want their bills to be paid before the firm can enjoy better contract rates. The prospect of ever-increasing energy prices Also, faced with the prospect of ever increasing energy prices it is also possible for a firm to switch business suppliers and fix a contract for more than one year. This means they will effectively mitigate against any potential energy price increases and predict with some certainty what their energy bills will be over the coming two or three years. This knowledge also helps with cash flow and they will be able to plan more effectively knowing what their outgoings will be. Essentially, the business will be taking control of their energy bill and supply and the process itself has never been easier. While a firm can visit the many business energy price comparison websites, they may not appreciate the difference in prices being offered. That’s because these price comparison websites may not be looking at the entire energy market and will instead have a restricted number of firms they will be quoting. A bespoke tariff that is suited to the business’s needs In addition, finding like-for-like quotes is not so easy since the firm will offer a bespoke tariff that is suited to the business’s needs. However, the one good thing these price comparison websites do offer is an understanding of marketplace prices so the business can use this information when negotiating with a potential new business energy supplier. Alternatively, they can speak with an energy specialist who will understand how the business energy market works and how to access the best deals and tariffs that best meet the business’s own needs. The firm should also be looking for better levels of customer service, particularly with those business energy suppliers that will undertake an audit of their business energy needs. Once a firm’s business energy supply contract comes up for renewal it is crucial that they do not simply accept the new prices being offered. That’s because they are probably going to be much higher than other suppliers will be offering. Firms and organisations to save money on their overheads This is a great opportunity for firms and organisations to save money on their overheads and improve profitability as well. It’s also an added incentive that they will be working with a business energy supplier who is keen to help them save further money by reducing their energy consumption. This means switching business energy suppliers becomes a ‘win-win’ situation and all firms should contemplate doing so every year. Also, for those firms who have smart meters fitted, known as half hourly meters, they may be able to access the data and find out when their peak energy usage is and potentially move demand to lower price tariffs. A new business energy supplier can also use this data and tailor their offering that will help deliver even more savings and show a firm how to reduce consumption still further. There’s a lot to be said for switching business energy suppliers and it’s not just about saving money, though that’s the biggest reason, it’s also about enjoying better customer service and improved energy efficiencies.   While the subject of how to switch energy suppliers may be confusing and time-consuming for many firms, they could contact the team at D-Energi who understands the market and will have access to the latest tariffs and deals that will best meet the firm’s needs.
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10 Apr

Business Energy Suppliers That Meet Your Needs

Shopping around to find business energy suppliers can be a time-consuming and confusing process but it is possible to do it quickly and efficiently. While many firms will be looking to source business energy suppliers who will help them reduce their bills and overheads, others will be looking to receive better customer service and some will offer a business energy audit as well. Indeed, there are a lot of reasons why the energy audit will prove beneficial since it will help a firm reduce their energy consumption which will, in turn, help them lower their bills. And by improving business energy efficiencies means the firm will also be boosting their green energy credentials as a result. So, while many firms will opt to remain with their current energy supplier which may be one of the ‘big six’ firms, they may be paying a premium for the privilege. That is to say, if they have never switched business energy suppliers then they are probably paying more for their energy needs than is necessary. All firms and organisations should be looking at their overheads on a regular basis which means looking at how much they are paying for business electricity and gas use. Firms should switch their business gas suppliers on a regular basis Indeed, the government is keen that firms should switch their business gas suppliers on a regular basis – as well as business electricity suppliers – since this will encourage competition in the marketplace and lead to prices falling. It’s also worth noting that a survey by the Competition and Markets Authority revealed that 40% of firms in the UK have never switched their business energy supplier. That’s a worrying statistic since that means there are lots of companies who are probably paying more for their energy as a result. Unfortunately, there is no way around the prospect of not paying energy bills since all firms and organisations need energy, whether it’s electricity or gas, for their everyday needs. Some firms may claim that they regularly look at the market because they visit comparison websites to find what the cheapest energy prices might be. There are two issues with those firms who do this and the first is that the price on the website may not be the price they will end up paying. Energy price comparison website for business electricity suppliers Also, the business energy price comparison website for business electricity suppliers, for instance, may not be looking at the entire market and may, instead, be looking at a restricted number of business energy suppliers. Indeed, most firms will not know whether they are paying a fair price for their electricity and gas use and without keeping track of the market on a regular basis, they still will not know. One effective way of finding just how much money can be saved is to contact those who understand the market and will know what the latest tariffs and deals are which means contacting energy brokers. There’s no doubt that the growth in the number of independent business energy suppliers has had a positive impact on the country’s energy market. That’s because competition has increased but for prices to fall further, more firms need to undertake the business energy switchover process which will also encourage diversity and greater choice when conducting future negotiations. However, as mentioned previously, this article is not just about accessing cheaper business energy bills but also finding a deal that best meets a company’s needs. Some energy suppliers will help the firm For instance, some energy suppliers will help the firm understand where and when they are using energy and help them reduce consumption and develop their management strategy. This will help boost their ‘green’ credentials and meet any environmental obligations as well. All firms have a responsibility to reduce their consumption so they will also reduce their bills. A new business energy supplier can also highlight moving the business to an off-peak rate so more money can be saved. And let’s not forget that with the big energy supply firms they don’t have to strive so hard in delivering customer service since they are major players that dominate the market and make lots of money regardless. Smaller business energy suppliers With smaller business energy suppliers, they are more receptive to their customer’s needs and will make efforts in delivering the service and supply their customers are looking for. Also, some of the smaller energy suppliers may have innovative ways of boosting a firm’s savings and will look to working with them to maintain a healthy relationship that serves them both. Indeed, most firms are not aware of just how easy it is to switch business energy suppliers and the process is hassle free and straightforward and there is help for the switchover process as well. It’s also important to appreciate that there will be no loss of energy to the firm during this switch over process.   For more help in understanding the market for switching business energy suppliers, then it will be time well spent speaking with the experts at D-Energi.
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7 Apr

Sourcing a Cheap Commercial Electricity Quote

Sourcing a cheap commercial electricity quote may lead to a business saving a substantial amount of money. The amounts to be saved will vary depending on the firm’s size and energy needs but could be from several hundred pounds to thousands of pounds. Obviously, this could be an amount of money to be saved from the organisation’s overheads that should not be ignored. However, lots of companies do not search the market to find cheaper electricity suppliers when their current energy contract comes up for renewal. This is despite the government striving to generate more competition within the business energy supply market which has seen more suppliers offering lower prices. Indeed, the industry’s regulator Ofgem says that around 40% of firms do not take the time to switch suppliers. Find better and cheaper commercial electricity rates That’s a large number of organisations that could save a substantial amount of money for the price of a phone call or by simply visiting a comparison website to find better and cheaper commercial electricity rates. By doing so, they will quickly see just how much they are overpaying for their electricity needs and will see an effective way of boosting the firm’s profitability by simply switching electricity suppliers. Having mentioned business electric comparison websites, it should be noted that they may not be searching the entire market to find the best deal on offer for the firm. However, the comparison website will, at the very least, offer the incentive for a business to look more closely at switching electricity supplier for their business for lower energy rates and better customer service. Many suppliers will also help with an energy audit to see where further savings can be made by improving how energy is used, for instance, by switching off lights when no one is in the room or office. Also, some firms may be confused about how the switchover process between suppliers actually works but the process itself is seamless. Organisations should also note that while they switch suppliers, their electricity supply will be uninterrupted though they cannot switch to a new supplier mid-contract. Paying higher electric prices Though with 40% of firms not switching suppliers means they have probably automatically rolled over onto a new contract, these are known as ‘deemed’ contracts, so they are probably paying higher electric prices than they need to and can move suppliers under these terms. There is independent help and advice from the government and Ofgem and there are various helpful guides to provide firms with the knowledge they need to progress with switching business electricity suppliers. Along with using the services of a business comparison website, firms can also contact energy brokers who will find better tariffs for the business to enjoy and help with the switchover process. They should also have an ongoing relationship so when the energy contract is due for renewal, the broker will begin the process of finding a cheaper and better supplier. It should also be appreciated that energy brokers for businesses will also be able to source cheaper gas supply tariffs and also for water supply since the water market in England has now opened up to competition. These are all great ways for a firm to lower overheads. As mentioned previously, it’s not just about finding the cheapest commercial electricity price since it’s also important that the level of customer service meets the business’s expectations. This is where the experience of how the market operates and who is delivering the best levels of customer service will really come to the fore; most comparison websites will not have this level of knowledge. Best business electricity prices and offers The upside is the organisation will have access to the best business electricity prices and offers available when they are looking for a new energy supplier and, more importantly, when the time comes to renew the contract in a year’s time, there will be people with experience of what the firm needs and what the market can deliver. It should also be appreciated that while the focus of this article is on how firms can reduce their overheads to boost profitability, the same level of savings can also be delivered to other organisations such as charities and public organisations.   To find out whether your firm or organisation can enjoy lower electricity prices then contact the team at the D-Energi where the experts will be able to help in sourcing a cheap commercial electricity quote quickly.
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