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13 Oct

Finding the best cheap business energy deal

All firms and organisations will be looking at their running costs on a regular basis which means there will be a need to research any potential savings which also means finding the best cheap business energy deal available. By opting to switch to a business energy supplier who is charging less for energy means that the firm’s overheads will fall and the profits will rise. That’s a very attractive incentive for a business to take a keen interest in their firm’s energy deal. Finding potential suppliers is easy and straightforward since the Internet will provide all of the relevant information and the potential suppliers available. However, the Internet search will not reveal the best deals available on the day and which supplier will be best suited to the business’s needs and growing demands. Find the best cheap business electricity and gas deals Indeed, to find the best cheap business electricity and gas deals means having to look at the whole market and compare all energy suppliers by comparing their offering with what the business actually uses. Alternatively, the easiest and straightforward way of conducting this exercise is to contact the experienced team at D-Energi and ask them for their advice and help. It’s also important to appreciate that the business will not suffer from any business energy supply interruption during the switching process. There are many reasons why a business or organisation may never switch to a cheaper business energy deal before; they may never have considered it or they may believe the process is too involved and complicated. Finding a new supplier for cheap business gas Under new regulations from the market regulator Ofgem the process for finding a new supplier for cheap business gas and electricity is not only straightforward and easy but the firm’s current energy supplier also has to be helpful and informative. To this end, a current energy supplier must inform their customers around 60 days before their contract ends what their new energy deal is going to be and, more importantly, how that new deal compares with those being offered by their rivals. This information alone should be enough for a business to be prompted into sourcing a new cheap business energy deal particularly if the prices being offered by rivals are substantially lower. That’s a big chunk of money being saved from overheads that could go towards the bottom line instead. For more help and advice for any organisation looking for a better cheap business energy deal then contact the team at D-Energi.
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10 Oct

How to switch energy supplier for a business

If your business would like to switch energy supplier to save on costs, then this article is for you. That’s because the process to switch energy supplier is straightforward but many firms may believe that sourcing a new supply for their premises is going to be a time-consuming process. To a point, that is true but there are experts in the field who will be able to do the heavy work to ensure that the business gets the very best possible deal available and saves money by doing so. This is where the energy switching experts at D-Energi come in because they have the experience and expertise to find the best deals possible from a wide range of potential business energy suppliers. This is also an effective way to reduce overheads for the business and also save time and money in the time it takes to find a new energy supplier. The process to energy switch is straightforward   Indeed, the process to energy switch is straightforward and it will help if the business has their latest bills to hand so the vital information can be given to a potential new supplier and they can also work out how much energy the business is using and tailor a competitive quote to suit. It should also be appreciated that business energy suppliers are not just interested in the larger organisations but also in micro-businesses and the process to switch is simpler today than it has been previously. That is because Ofgem, the energy markets regulator, brought in rules that gave businesses the freedom they need to change their business electricity or gas contract more easily. The best way to switch business energy supplier is to begin the process while there is more than 30 days remaining on the organisation’s current energy contract. One reason for this is that Ofgem now demands that energy suppliers contact their micro-business customers around 60 days before their current contract ends to tell them how much energy they use every year. Prices being offered by their business energy supplier rivals   More importantly, the organisation’s current energy supplier must tell their customer how their energy deal compares with the prices being offered by their business energy supplier rivals and how much the current supplier is going to charge under a new contract. This is probably an important impetus for a business to pick up the telephone and begin the process to finding a cheaper business energy supplier with an organisation that can do this smoothly and quickly. It’s also important to remember that when an organisation decides to switch energy suppliers there is no interruption in the energy supply and the helpful team at D-Energi will be able to give more help and advice on the process.
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6 Oct

How to find business energy suppliers

While a simple search of the Internet may reveal a wide range of potential business energy suppliers, how does a business know which of them are the good ones? Well, if they approach the helpful team at D-Energi then they will find an enthusiastic team member willing to help and offer advice on the best way to switch energy suppliers. By finding a new business energy supply, an organisation will be better placed to save on their overheads and reduce their costs because switching suppliers can usually have a big difference on their bills.   Find business electricity suppliers   Essentially, businesses large and small should shop around regularly to find the best prices for their energy – or they may simply only want to find business electricity suppliers – and the firm’s current energy supplier of micro-business contracts must put the notice period and the end date of a fixed contract on their bills. A small business can also tell their energy supplier that they are looking to switch suppliers when their deal ends and they could do this before the notice period but this is only for contracts that began on or after the 30th of April 2015. In addition, that’s when the maximum amount of notice that a small business can give their supplier when terminating their contract was reduced from 90 to 30 days. In addition, 60 days before the fixed term contract comes to an end, the energy supplier must tell their small business customers how much energy they have used every year and then give them details of how their current deal price compares with new prices.   Cheaper business gas suppliers   This is a big help in finding cheaper business gas suppliers as well as electricity suppliers. However, not every organisation will fit into a small, or as Ofgem describes it, ‘micro’ organisation criteria which depends on the firm’s annual turnover, number of employees as well as their energy consumption levels. The other issue that an organisation looking to find another business energy supply should be aware of is whether they are on what is called a ‘deemed contract’. A business needs to be aware of whether they are on a deemed contract, and around 10% of small businesses are, because the prices they are paying are, on average, around 80% more than are being charged on new negotiated contracts. For this reason alone, small businesses should shop around to find business energy suppliers willing to supply energy at a cheaper rate and on better contract terms and this is where the team at D-Energi can offer help and advice to find the best deals currently available for businesses.
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3 Oct

Get a commercial electricity quote to boost profits

Finding new energy suppliers is something that most businesses will consider but simply don’t have the time or resources to complete but finding a commercial electricity quote to boost profits is really straightforward. There’s no need to spend hours on websites or make phone calls since there are organisations which understand how the business energy market works and has access to all business energy suppliers to deliver the very best prices and packages for their clients. The friendly team at D-Energi, for instance, are one such organisation who appreciate that businesses want a good energy deal but don’t necessarily know how to go about finding it.   Best way to find better commercial electricity rates   The best way to find better commercial electricity rates is to have the firm’s recent energy bills to hand so a potential new supplier can see what the business is using and tailor their offering accordingly. Some businesses may also be interested in sourcing renewable energy as their supplier and again these energy suppliers are offering competitive packages to new customers. The main attraction for comparing energy deals and tariffs on a regular basis is to ensure the business gets the best deal possible for their usage and they should, in most cases, be able to save substantial amounts of money which will boost their bottom line. It’s also easy to switch supplier once a business has found a package that they like and which suits their needs.   Shopping around for better electric prices   Indeed, Ofgem, the energy sector regulator, reckons that by shopping around for better electric prices a business could save around £300 every year on their energy bills. Business owners should also appreciate that they can switch suppliers when their contract ends and not simply when they move into new premises – many suppliers will offer a package that covers the business’s various depots, outlets and offices. The other big attraction when it comes to shopping around to find cheaper business energy quotes is that the business can go to their current supplier and ask them to beat or match the better offer; some energy suppliers may not be able to do this. For any help and advice on how business can find a better commercial electricity quote, or indeed a business gas quote, to boost profitability then contact the helpful team at D-Energi and they will use their experience and expertise to deliver the best possible business energy package.
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