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  The energy industry is making key changes to the way gas is transported. All suppliers have to split aggregated meter points by 1st July 2015. Aggregated gas meters are created when two or more meter points are joined together to form one supply point. They are billed and priced together. The de-aggregation process will help support the introduction of advanced and smart metering between late 2015 and 2020 which will allow more accurate usage data to be recorded. The industry believe that this will lead to more cost-reflective transportations charges for all meter points and therefore for all customers.   How will this affect Gas Customers?   Only customers with aggregated meter points will be affected by this. This change will not affect your gas supply but it will change how you are billed. Instead of being charged per site you will charge by meter point. There could be an increase in transportation costs after the supply points have been split. Once these changes are complete, we will be contacting those customers who require a smart meter at no extra cost to you. You will also be given the option of accessing a web portal which will allow you to view your consumption and keep an eye on costs.   Why does this need to happen?   The current system is outdated and this is an industry-wide gas initiative which all Shippers & Suppliers have been mandated to adopt, so there will be no way to avoid the change if you have gas meters that are aggregated. It is important for all customers currently who have aggregated meters to plan ahead for de-aggregation of these supply points and understand the future billing impacts. We will be informing you as soon as possible of any changes to your contracted rates and monthly amount and we will be working to keep your invoices simple to understand for all of your sites Removing aggregation will allow accurate data on all UK gas meters to be held in a single database, an important step in the overall goal of moving all UK gas customers onto Smart meters by 2020.   Find out more   Call 0161 237 3333 or email
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    D-ENERGi have made a donation of £321.10 for medical equipment at the starlight ward at University South Manchester Hospital. The ward looks after children from 0-16 years of age. D-ENERGi will be looking to raise further contributions as the ward is currently looking to redevelop  an outdoor playground area at the ward. Time in hospital can be very stressful for children. Hospital play has an important role in using play to entertain them and cope with pain or the side effects of medication.
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