Tracking your business energy usage offers numerous advantages that can greatly benefit your operations. It helps you understand how much energy your business consumes over a period of time, understand your energy bills, identify potential areas of inefficiency, and explore opportunities to reduce your energy costs.
Tracking your energy usage doesn’t have to be complicated or confusing. It can be a straightforward process.
Understanding what your energy bills mean
One of the ways you can understand how much energy you use in your business is to gain a better understanding of your energy bills. Whether these fall through the post box or ping as an alert on your phone, energy bills are easy to access and can quickly be explained.
There are several pieces of information provided on a typical energy bill. This includes how much money you owe your energy supplier but also details of how much energy you have used over a period of time. Typically this will be over the past 3 months (if sent quarterly). However, some business energy suppliers can provide more regular bills, if necessary.
Your usage will be explained using the meter readings or estimated meter readings your business energy supplier has access to. Providing regular meter readings will ensure your bill is precise and accurate, guaranteeing you are only paying for your actual energy usage. Understanding your usage from your energy bills will help you better acknowledge just how much your usage influences the prices you pay for electricity and gas.
More on how to read an energy bill can be found here.
Tracking your energy usage with a smart meter
Another method for tracking your usage is to install a smart meter for your business. Providing real-time details of your usage, giving you insight into how each running appliance or electrical good impacts your consumption is incredibly useful. Opting to have a smart meter installed allows you to pay much closer attention to your energy consumption and see just how much this is going to cost you. Plus, information from your smart meter will be supplied directly to your business energy supplier, making it easier to keep meter readings as accurate as possible.
Reduce your energy costs
Keeping track of your business energy usage is one of the most effective ways to manage the costs of your energy. Having a greater understanding of how much energy your business uses, gives insight into what is costing you the most and allows you to make proactive decisions in order to lower your energy consumption. Which, in turn, will help to reduce your energy bills.
Improve your sustainability
Tracking your business energy usage is the first step to improving your sustainability. By understanding where and how your energy is being used, you can identify areas where you can make changes to reduce your consumption. Which, as we mentioned above, can lead to lower energy bills, but also a smaller carbon footprint, and a more sustainable business overall. You can promote the amount of energy saved to boost your brand.
Struggling to understand your energy usage?
If you are struggling to understand your business energy usage and need assistance in understand your energy bills, do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly energy expert. We can decipher your energy bill for you, explain your energy consumption, implement cost-efficient practices that can help reduce your energy usage, and provide advice on how to lower your energy bills.
To get started, simply reach out to us today. Our business energy quote only requires you to provide a few details about your business, we will promptly provide you a tailored quote that suits your business needs.
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If you are a business owner looking to reduce your energy expenses with cheap business energy prices, this article provides valuable insights on how to achieve this goal.
While you could contact energy providers directly, it is advisable to avoid the ‘Big Six’ energy supplier since they may offer similar deals that may not result in substantial savings. Making the switch to such providers could be a costly mistake to make.
That’s because there are numerous smaller, newer business energy providers competing in the marketplace and they may have competitive business energy deals specifically tailored to meet your needs. By considering these alternatives, you can effectively lower your energy bills.
Switching to a cost-effective business electricity provider
Switching to a cheap business electricity provider isn’t just about saving money. It’s also a way to access better customer service and additional features such as consultancy services to help your firm improve energy efficiency, lower energy consumption and make bigger savings as a result.
Exploring the business energy supply market every year will also ensure that you are not overpaying for your energy needs and will foster competition so all businesses will benefit.
In addition to contacting energy providers directly, you could use an online comparison website to find a cheaper supplier but the comparison website may not cover the entire market and you’ll still need to speak with an energy supplier directly as they need to offer a bespoke tariff that meets your needs and will need specific information.
Cost-effective business gas deal
This applies not only to businesses seeking a cost-effective business electricity deal but also to those in need of a business gas deal. Although firms can’t access a ‘dual fuel’ deal, it’s possible to have the same supplier deliver both types of energy.
One effective way of dealing with this issue of searching the entire marketplace easily is to speak with the experts at D-ENERGi who will take a few details and can source the best energy tariffs of business electricity and gas that could save your firm a substantial amount of money. The UK-based team will be with you every step of the way to switch business energy supplier, ensuring a quick and hassle-free transition.
Depending on what your business does, where it is located and how much energy you use, some firms could save up to 25% on their energy overheads every year, particularly if they haven’t switched for several years. This means that even small businesses can save hundreds of pounds while larger businesses can save tens of thousands.
These significant savings make the effort of exploring the business energy supply market well worth it and will help substantially reduce your firm’s overheads.
To learn more about lowering your energy costs with cheap business energy prices, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experienced team at D-ENERGi.
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In today’s highly competitive business landscape, it is crucial to find effective strategies for reducing business electricity costs. By minimizing energy consumption and enhancing energy efficiency, businesses can significantly boost their profits. This article highlights simple yet impactful methods to save on business electricity costs.
Unplug all device chargers when not in use
Phone and laptop chargers still consume a small amount of energy, even when they are not plugged into the devices concerned. In fact, some people call them “vampire appliances” due to the fact that they continue to suck energy even when not in use. So, make sure all of your employees unplug chargers when they are not in use.
Switch off all devices when not in use
In a similar vein to the above, if you don’t power down and switch off electrical devices when they are not in use, you could be adding hundreds if not thousands to your business electricity bill.
A standard desktop computer uses about 0.1 kWh energy when it is on standby, which is about 1.4p. Not a lot, you may think, but when you times it by 100 computers used 5 days a week for 52 weeks a year, it amounts to £728 extra on your electricity bill, which you don’t actually need to pay!
Ask employees not to use screensavers
Most people don’t realise this, but screensavers are far less energy efficient than actually applying proper powers settings.
Turn the heating down
This is usually the first thing business owners do when they are trying to save money on business energy because even just turning the heating down by 1 degree can have a hugely positive effect on your business energy bill.
Make sure you are on the right business electricity tariff
Lots of business owners don’t realise that they are actually paying more for their business energy than they need to as they are on the wrong tariff. Let D-ENERGI compare business energy per kWh for you to make sure you are not spending way more than you should. Get a quick quote online today.
Install smart lighting
We all know that switching off the lights when we leave a room can save money, but many of us just forget to do that. If you install motion-sensitive lighting in areas such as corridors and toilets, you remove the human element from this action altogether and save money in the long run.
Fix dripping taps immediately
All dripping taps and leaks should be instantly fixed, as the cost of repairing them will be far less than the hike in your water bill should you leave them unfixed.
Encourage your employees to be energy efficient champion
The best way to save business energy in your workplace is to get your employees involved to help you along. You could even nominate an energy efficiency champion to take charge and encourage other people to get involved as well.
Compare business electricity with D-ENERGI to find the most competitive prices and rates in the UK.
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In today’s energy-conscious world, businesses are seeking solutions to optimise their energy consumption, smart meters have been designed to track business’ energy usage patterns, provide accurate meter readings and a visual representation of real-time energy usage. They are the ideal solution for businesses to gain control over their energy consumption, and find solutions to reduce business energy bills.
Progress in rolling out smart meter
Starting in 2011, the smart meter rollout began. According to the government statistics, in smaller, non-domestic sites (such as micro and small businesses) 145,900 smart and advanced meters were installed by all energy suppliers. This is a 48% increase on 2020.
As smart meter installations continue across the country, gas and electricity suppliers now have binding annual targets to achieve to ensure all their non-smart customers have smart and advanced meters installed by 2025.
Are people reluctant to install smart meters?
Although these figures are suggesting an uptake in smart meter installations, the majority of these meters are still yet to be installed.
This may be because there are several misconceptions surrounding the use of smart meters. A commonly asked question regarding these devices is whether or not they use more electricity.
Although it is true that your small device uses your electricity supply for power, the very small amount that it does use, does not counteract the benefits this device provides. In fact, there is no additional cost for the installation of your smart meters. You won’t have an extra charge on your energy bill because you chose to have a smart meter.
How do smart meters work?
Smart meters work by measuring your business gas and electricity usage and sharing this data directly with your energy supplier. This means no more electricity or gas meter readings needs to be submitted. The smart meter does all this for you, sending accurate and regular readings to avoid estimated energy bills. A smart meter does not require internet access, instead they use the secure smart data network to share information about your energy usage. The system of which this works can be compared to how other wireless systems and devices use radio waves. Smart meters can be used in replacement of traditional meters, such as prepay meters.
Your smart meter comes in two parts: the smart meter and digital display. The smart meter will be fitted where your traditional meter is housed, while you can choose to place your digital display in an accessible place. This accompanying digital display will give you access to data about your business electricity or gas usage. This will help you to manage your business energy usage, with the intention of helping you save energy usage and save money on energy bills.
Smart meters for small businesses
As small businesses feel the pinch of the rising cost of living, business owners are regularly seeking new tips and advice for saving energy costs.
One way to do this is to pay closer attention to monthly bills and to find ways to reduce these costs, if possible. In a study by Smart Energy GB, 72% of small business owners have already made the switch to a smart meter or are considering doing so to manage their energy use.
It is simple to request a smart meter for your small business, if you haven’t done so already. Our regulator OFGEM has made it mandatory to categorise businesses we supply into 2 categories referred as either micro business or non-micro business. As a D-ENERGi customer you have a choice of between two types of smart meters. These are an AMR meter or a SMETS2 meter. Both of which will offer similar benefits, although we do recommend referring to our handy comparison table here, to familiarise yourself with these devices and to find the meter that is better suited to your requirements. Each type will help you better understand how your business uses energy.
AMR smart meters – you can gain a better understanding of your energy consumption. That can help you reduce the amount of energy you use. And that can help to lower your costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Your AMR smart meter sends your meter readings remotely. So you’ll benefit from accurate bills based on your actual readings, rather than an estimate.
SMETS2 smart meters – give you all the same benefits of AMR meters. These include remote meter readings, accurate billing without the need for estimates, plus access to your energy data. You can view your energy consumption in near real-time.
Whether you’d prefer AMR or SMETS2 smart meters for your business, do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly Customer Services team at 0800 781 7626.
If you are yet to be D-ENERGi customer and your business energy contract is approaching its end, take the opportunity to compare business energy prices and secure a better deal.
Get your free quote today.
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Call for free 0800 781 7626 to speak to one of our friendly Customer Services team directly and reduce your business energy costs!